Figure 3

CT signs of pressure induced expansion of paranasal sinus structures

Peter AR Clement* and Stijn Halewyck

Published: 26 September, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 077-087


Figure 3:

(A-E) A+B+C: Coronal CT-scans. Two frontal cells, right one (1) filling the frontal sinus for 30 % and the left one (2) for more than 50 % (A). Interior of the cells shows no pathology. The frontal sinus on both sides are opaque. In A there are also two agger nasi cells on both sides. Also in B there is a second cell filling on the right side the infundibulum of the frontal sinus, showing some bossing of the orbital rim. C shows a clear-cut hyperinflated anterior frontal complex and supra-orbital recess. On the left side the ostiomeatal complex shows signs of mucosal swelling. Note the presence of a concha media bullosa on the right side. There exists a septal deviation towards the left side (resulting in a paradoxical bending of the inferior turbinate) close to the floor. D. Parasagital CT-scans of the same patient (left side) showing flattening of the skull base due to hyperpneumatisation of the frontal recess and frontal sinus by hyperinflated cells (aspect of a “bunch of grapes”). Compare this configuration of these cells and flattening of the skull base with a normal case (E).

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